About Us

TNMI Methodology

This Naked Mind methodology is different and revolutionary for one simple reason - we don’t believe in behavior-led change. We believe in treating the cause, not the symptom.

When you can reach the cause the need for self-medication (in any form) is eliminated. When you treat the cause the entire identity of the client shifts. When you reach the cause, and help your clients solve it, their lives are changed forever and that is truly the goal of This Naked Mind. We don’t stop at behavior change. We create lasting change.

​Our proprietary H.R.T. model reaches the cause while still treating the symptoms through this incredible effective process that governs all coaching interactions. We believe in coaching and transforming lives with H.R.T.: Hope, Relationship, Tactics & Tools.

Annie Grace

At 26, Annie Grace was the youngest Vice President in a multinational company’s history, and her drinking career began in earnest; by 35, she was in a global C-level marketing role, responsible for 28 countries. Drinking close to two bottles of wine a night became a ritual.

Annie Grace’s professional success came at a personal price she no longer wanted to pay. She knew alcohol was no longer serving her. Yet, she didn’t want to suffer through life in a daily battle for sobriety, feeling deprived and constantly trying to avoid temptation.

Annie Grace revamped her own relationship with alcohol — she stripped it of its power and changed her beliefs about booze being a reward — and today she helps others across the globe do the same. Her approach helps people where rehabs have not. She’s created a brand new way to look at the role of alcohol in our lives, establishing a safe space for those who question their drinking but haven’t self-diagnosed as alcoholics stuck in denial of an incurable disease.

​​Annie Grace preaches compassion, knowing its power over shame and blame is the best way to achieve lasting change. And, she offers a proven alternative to the largely ineffective recipe for so-called “success”—the one that says anything less than 100% abstinence is failure. Annie Grace doesn’t teach people how to be sober; she helps them quash their desire their desire to drink in the first place.

What others are saying about us


“Annie Grace, Bestselling Author of The Alcohol Experiment says the new year is the best time to step back and take stock on our relationship with alcohol. Her new book offers insight on how to take a break and bring lasting change to the way we drink.”

Kayna Whitworth, Good Morning America

“Books That Inspire Me: This Naked Mind by Annie Grace. I haven’t had a drink since finishing the book. It may have saved my life.”

Arlan Hamilton, Fast Company

“In her book, This Naked Mind, author Annie Grace shares her story of quitting alcohol and uses psychology and neuroscience research and a “no scare statistics” approach to empower readers to do the same.”

Jess Cording, Forbes

“Annie’s strategy includes three main pillars: rethinking the benefits of alcohol, eliminating the desire for it so there’s no temptation so that, in turn, without temptation there’s no addiction.”

Deborah Roberts, ABC News

“Annie Grace was a rising star in the marketing world until happy hour turned into two bottles of wine a night. Poised, driven, and ambitious, Annie Grace was just 26 when named vice president of a multinational company. She never imagined her after hours work drinks would nearly cost her everything.

Annie found her purpose after hitting rock bottom. She created This Naked Mind, a program that has empowered millions to change their relationship with alcohol.”

Jada Pinkett Smith, Red Table Talk

“The stereotypical depiction of fighting addiction makes it seem highly unpleasant: White knuckling, sweating it out, detoxing, going cold turkey–you get the picture. This applies to classical addiction, and also to the less dangerous (but nonetheless nettlesome) unhealthy habits and compulsions that we all wrestle with. [Annie Grace] takes a very different approach. She aims to harness the pleasure centers of the brain as a way to handle addictive habits—and, controversially, she doesn’t believe you need to go cold turkey on alcohol, which is the main intoxicant she has targeted.”

Dan Harris, Ten Percent Happier

"The most profound moments in the history of the world always start with just a few. We are that few."

​— Annie Grace

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